ReactJS Redux Interview Questions 2025

React Interview Question And Answer

ReactJS Redux Interview Questions

1. What is Redux?

Redux is a state management library for JavaScript applications, often used with React. It centralizes the application’s state in a store, allowing components to access and update state through actions and reducers.

2. What are the components of Redux?

Redux has three main components:
the store (which holds the application state),
actions (which describe what to do),
reducers (which define how the state changes in response to action

3. What is the Flux?

  • Flux is an application architecture pattern for managing data flow. Actions are dispatched to stores, which then update views. It’s commonly used with React to ensure a unidirectional data flow.
  • There is a single source of data (the store), and the only way to update it is to trigger certain actions. The actions call the dispatcher, and the store is triggered and updated with its data.
  • When a dispatch has been triggered and the store updates, it emits a change event that allows the views to re-render accordingly.

4. How is Redux different from Flux?

Both Redux and Flux are state management architectures, but Redux has a single store, while Flux uses multiple stores. Redux also enforces immutability and provides middleware like Redux Thunk for asynchronous actions.

5. What is the difference between Context API and Redux?

Context API is a simpler way to share state across components without prop drilling and is suitable for less complex applications. On the other hand, Redux is more robust, with middleware and a global store, making it better for complex, scalable state management.


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